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Automating Transfers

Unfortunately LeapFILE does not offer an API at this time, but using the powerful Desktop Client command line you can automate your transfers using any scripting or programming method you prefer.

Below is an example of a PowerShell script that can be used as a template:

1. First create the necessary resource files:
     a. RecipientList.txt - comma separated email addresses (e.g.,,, etc...) be sure the spacing is correct as shown in the example!
     b. Subject.txt - enter the subject of the transfer
     c. MessageBody.txt - enter the desired Message your recipients will see

2. Using your favorite editor create a file named LeapFileAutomate.ps1
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\LeapFILE\LeapFILE Desktop"
$RecipientList = Get-Content C:\RecipientList.txt
$Subject = Get-Content C:\Subject.txt
$MessageBody = Get-Content C:\MessageBody.txt

./LeapFILECmd.exe -t"$RecipientList" -s"$Subject" -m"$MessageBody" -f"C:\YourAttachment.pdf"

3. You can run the script manually as needed or create a Task in Task Scheduler for full automation

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