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Account Administrator Guide

To access administrative options, log into the web client (ie. via > Login or https://(your-company-name) > Employee Login) and select the "Account" tab.

As a LeapFILE administrator, you will have access to options that other users will not - users will only see the options to change their Personal Setup and Change password. Below is a description of the features only available to the administrator of the account.

Account Setup

Service Plan

This is where you can find details of your current service plan, such as when you signed up for the service and what features are available to you based on your plan.

Account Information

This is where you can find general information about your account, such as the account name, the info for the administrator, etc.

Account Setup

To change your account settings and options, click on Account Setup. In this page, you can change a number of things:

  1. Change the URL of your secure file transfer site. Typically, it is You cannot use spaces or any of the following symbols: @#$!%&*+='
  2. Define file delivery options. Set the maximum number of days for a file transfer before it expires, and set the default number of days for a file transfer before it expires.
  3. Define file expiration policy. You can choose when the files in both outgoing and incoming transfers expire, or when they will be deleted and permanently removed from LeapFILE's servers.
  4. Incomplete Transfer Notifications. You can enable or disable notifications to receivers and senders in the case where transfers are not successfully completed.
  5. Receiver Authentication Options. You have the ability to choose which authentication options will be available to the sender when creating a transfer.
  6. Define upload security option. If you enable this option, then only registered guests can send files back to your users.
  7. Create standard security questions (optional), by typing in the question(s) directly into the input box.
  8. Create standard message footer. You may use HTML to create a footer message in the outgoing transfers.
  9. Enable/disable the repository and/or portal features for your users. If the repository and/or portal are disabled, then the users will not be able to see the Repositories and/or Portals links across the top of the menu bar.
  10. Set the password expiration policy. The number that you enter will be the default number of days that each user account will have before the current password expires and that user will be prompted to select a new password. Entering -1 will disable this feature...i.e., passwords will never expire, the effects ALL user accounts.
  11. Disable inactive accounts after a certain number of days.
  12. Archive all transfers by including an email as a BCC.

If you made any changes to the settings and options, you must click Save in order for the changes that you made to be in effect.

Branding & Secure File Exchange

In this section, you can brand and customize the look and feel of your file exchange website ( On the left hand side of the page, you will see a Preview button and a menu of the parts of the file exchange site that you would like to modify. Here is a breakdown of each of the items:

Preview button: You can press this button anytime to get a current view of what your file exchange site looks like. Pressing this button will open up another browser window and take you directly to your file exchange website.

Configuration: The options in this section allow you to change the text and configuration of the pages in your file transfer site.


  • Initial Page - You can select the default page as the one shown when you go to the file exchange website, or you can change it so that the Upload page, Portal page, or the Download page is the default page.
  • Site Footer - You can choose to have a minimal footer, which contains "Copyright ©2007 LeapFILE. All rights reserved." Or you can select the Complete footer, which includes links for Employee Login, our Privacy Policy which is located on our main LeapFILE website, or our Security Statement, which is also located on our main website.
  • Powered By LeapFILE - You can choose between the text only version or the small logo version of "Powered By LeapFILE" that will be included at the bottom of your file exchange site, below the Site Footer.
  • Home Page Title - The title that you type into the input box will be shown as the first line of text below your company's logo or name.
  • Home Page Welcome Message (HTML) - You can include or modify the message that viewers will see below the Home Page Title. You have the ability to format the message as you would in a standard text editor, including changing the font, color, font size, add bullets, etc.


  • Portal Title - You can change the title that is shown on your Portal page.
  • Portal Message Area - You can include or modify the message that viewers will see below the Portal Title. You have the ability to format the message as you would in a standard text editor, including changing the font, color, font size, add bullets, etc.
  • Guest user designation - You can change the designation for your guests (ex: client, partner, etc.)


  • Upload Title - You can change the title that is shown on your Upload page.
  • Upload Message Area - You can include or modify the message that viewers will see below the Upload Title. You have the ability to format the message as you would in a standard text editor, including changing the font, color, font size, add bullets, etc.
  • Upload Page Default - You have the option of selecting the method for your guests to transfer files to users in your account. You can prompt them to enter their recipient's email address, provide them a list of all the users they can send the transfer to, set a default email address for the guests to send files to, or list out the users they can send to via a directory.


  • Download Title - You can change the title that is shown on your Download page.
  • Download Message Area - You can include or modify the message that viewers will see below the Download Title. You have the ability to format the message as you would in a standard text editor, including changing the font, color, font size, add bullets, etc.

***Please be aware that you must click Save on each of the sections that you have made changes to in order for your changes to take effect. ***

All the features highlighted in the Secure File Exchange Setup allow you to self-customize your file transfer site. For accounts that are on Business plans and above, LeapFILE can do all the customization and branding for you.

Account Maintenance

User Accounts: In this section, you can add, update, and/or delete users to your account. Upon entering this section, you will see a list of the current users on the account.

  • Edit User Accounts - To edit an individual user account, click on the name of the user account you would like to edit. Click on the Edit button, and then make the desired changes to the account, such as changing the name, email, data/file expiration policies for that particular user, and user permissions.
  • Grant/Revoke Administrator Access - Go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, click on the Edit button, then check the box next to "Administer account" under the "Permissions" section. Granting administrator access to a user will allow him/her to utilize the features under the Account section, such as Account Setup, Account Maintenance, Reports, and Billing.
  • Grant/Revoke Send/Receive Access - Go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, click on the Edit button, then check the box next to "Send files" and/or "Receive files" under the "Permissions" section.
  • Grant/Revoke Repository and/or Portal Access - Go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, click on the Edit button, then check the box next to "Create repositories" and/or "Create portals" under the "Permissions" section. Un-checking the box(es) will not remove the Repository and/or Portal from the top menu bar; it only denies the user permission to use the repository and/or portal feature.
  • Grant/Revoke Access To Add/Delete Portal Guests - Go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, click on the Edit button, then check the box next to "Manage portal guest users" under the "Permissions" section.
  • Grant/Revoke Ability to Manage User Accounts - Go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, click on the Edit button, then check the box next to "Manage user accounts" under the "Permissions" section.
  • Grant/Revoke Access To Account Reports - Go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, click on the Edit button, then check the box next to "View account reports" under the "Permissions" section.
  • Grant/Revoke Access To Account Setup Settings - Go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, click on the Edit button, then check the box next to "Manage account setup" under the "Permissions" section. Granting the user permission to manage account setup settings will allow him/her to change the secure file exchange setup, for example.
  • Resetting A User Password - To reset a user's password by randomly generating a new temporary password to that user, go to User Accounts, click on the user's name, then click on the Reset Password button. A new temporary password will be emailed to the user.
  • Enabling A Disabled User Account - Go to User Accounts, select the disabled users you would like to enable by checking the boxes next to their names, and click on the Enable button.
  • Disabling An Active User Account - Go to User Accounts; select the active users you would like to disable by checking the boxes next to their names, and click on the Disable button. Disabled user accounts will not count toward the total number of users you can have on your account.
  • Adding A New User - Go to User Accounts, click on the Add User button near the top, and enter the information for the user. Be sure to click on Save or Save & Add another after you have entered the user's information.
  • Importing New Users - Go to User Accounts and click on the Import Users button near the top. You will need to export your contact list from your email client into a comma separated value (.csv) file with the following format: firstname, lastname, email. Then, you must choose a synchronization option, such as adding the new imported users only, add the new imported users and disabling the users that are currently in the account, or adding the new imported users and deleting the users that are currently in the account. After you have selected the password generation option and the welcome email notification, you can import the .csv file by clicking on the Browse button at the bottom of the page and locating the .csv file. Click on Submit to import.
  • Search/Filter Users - You can search/filter users by first or last name in the search box near the right side of the page.


As an administrator, you have access to several reports for your account, such as Capacity Utilization, Transfer Utilization, Transfers In Progress, Transfer History, and User Access.

  • Capacity Utilization: In this report, you can view your total capacity allowed for your account, the total capacity that is currently in use and the amount available for new files. Pending transfers take up capacity while waiting to be downloaded, while downloaded files do not count towards your current capacity.
  • Transfer Utilization: This report gives you current and past transfer usage in the account. You can view all the transfers in a given month by selecting the month and year desired near the top of the page. All the transfers within that given month will be displayed, including information such as time and date of each transfer, the description of the transfer, and the size of the file(s) that was transferred.
  • Transfers in Progress: This report shows the currently pending transfers, including the date, description, and size of each transfer. You can see the total amount of the pending transfers at the bottom of the list. As mentioned previously, pending transfers take up capacity while waiting to be downloaded. Clicking on details next to each transfer will take you to a detailed view of that particular transfer, which can also be found in the "Outgoing Transfers" section.
  • Transfer History: This report allows you to view the entire transfer history on the account. You can filter the report by selecting transfer status in the first drop-down menu at the top. Transfer status filters include: All status, Pending, Partially Complete, Complete, Expired, and Cancelled. Additionally, you can filter transfers with a short term view by selecting the first radial button next to the second drop-down menu, which allows you to see transfers within the last 7 days, last 14 days, or last 30 days. Or, you can filter transfers within a specific time frame by selecting the second radial button and entering the dates you would like to filter your search. Information of each transfer is provided, such as date/time, who did the transfer, who was the transfer sent to, the subject line of the transfer, and the status of the transfer. Clicking on details next to each transfer will show you additional information including delivery tracking and audit trails.
  • User Access: This report provides a report of when each user in the account has logged into the system, including the time/date, what type of account access that user has, the login ID, and the IP address the user logged in from. You can also filter the user log to the last 7, 14, or 30 days, or search between a particular time-frame.


  • Billing History: You can view the billing activity for accounts that are billed to a credit card only. The information provided includes the date, description, amount, and balance of each activity in the account.
  • Credit Card Information: Update credit card billing information in this section.

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