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Portal & Repository Guide


 A portal is a file storage space for your external guests that have been granted access by the account administrator. Portals are essentially the same as repositories except that portals are for external guests and repositories are for internal users. Unlike sending a file, files shared through a portal do not expire. Portals are accessible to guests via your file exchange site at is https://(companyname) By clicking on "File Portals". Each guest will only see the portals they have permission to access.
Setting up a portal is very easy -
  • Create a portal and add files/folders: Click on Portals > Add Portal
  • Create guest account(s) Portals > Add Guest 
  • Assign guest account to the portal Portals > Guest Access (under the portal name) and add the outside guest(s) You can add internal user as well by clicking User Access

Guest accounts can either be email addresses or just a plain username E.G. "Leapfile Support" - though email addresses are recommended to allow Guests to rest their password if needed

Guest Accounts are different from contacts or user accounts as No notification email is sent to guests. You need to manually inform your guests about the portal login and updates.

Guests can NOT upload directly to a portal - this is to prevent any accidental deletions or overwrites to the documents within - the guest can sen a transfer normally and the recipient can then copy/move that file to the portal if needed.

*Please note that the term users is defined typically as people who use LeapFILE within your company, whereas guests are typically your customers, vendors, and partners.


Repositories are essentially a file storage space for your internal users that have been granted access by the account administrator. Unlike sending a file, files shared through a repository do not expire. Each user will only see the repositories they have permission to access

  • Create a Repository and add files/folders: Click on Repository > Add Repository
  • Add internal(s) user as well by clicking User Access under the Repository name

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