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Installing the 64-bit Outlook Compatible Plugin

We are happy to announce 64-bit support for Microsoft Office products!

**Important Note:**

As of mid January 2019 ALL versions of Office will automatically default to 64-bit version unless you explicitly select the 32-bit version before beginning the installation process.
To install first please be sure you are actually running the 64 bit version of Outlook,

Click File > “Office Account“, Then click the “About Microsoft Outlook” button (on the right)

If it shows 32-bit please install the Desktop client normally, no additional plugin is needed as it is included in the desktop installer!

If it is 64-bit please follow these instructions, there are two steps: 

1. Quit/Close all Office applications, do not launch until full installation is complete!

2. Download and install the desktop client first: Login to your account and click on "Download the latest LeapFILE Desktop Client with Outlook* Plug-in" 

3. First install the Desktop. client, Enter your LeapFILE URL (e.g.:, email address, and password when prompted.

4. Now install the 64-bit Office Plugin

5. Launch Outlook and enjoy having the ease of LeapFILE incorporated into Outlook!

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